Friday, 17 August 2007

My exam...

It went OK...I had complete brain farts where I couldn't think what to write and then it would pop into my head and therefore in the end I had to rush.

I pretty much wrote everything I wanted to...I think but probably not in the best English i could have...

I have so much stuff to look forward to. I can't wait to start helping at Youth Groups again. It's so much fun. Also I think I get to go to court again with Uni to see how the criminal justice process works or something like that...but i'm not too sure about that.

Went out with me Uni mates after the exam and it was good to see everyone. I can't wait to get back and see everyone all the time.

Tomorrow I'm watching footy - Rangers vs Falkirk - and then I'm going out with Gillba to parteee...they better play good moosik at Red!

Rachael xx

1 comment:

liz crumlish said...

glad its over and I'm sure you did well. enjoy weekend - but not too late saturday night, I've got new shoes for sunday!!