Friday 31 August 2007

My Poor Laptop Is Not Well

Yeah it's my displeasure to tell you all that my laptop is broken.
I dont have a scooby dooby doo what happened to it but it's not going on. It was working one morning and then in the afternoon it would go on and turn off then it wouldn't go on at all.

I called PC World and they are cumin to pick it up to take it to Nottingham to get it fixed and it takes 10-14 days to get it it takes them a week to pick it up then two weeks to get it fixed...sake.
You'd think they'd have somewhere in Scotland to get it fixed, right?!?! Wrong. The guy ont he phone said it takes two days to get down there...JEEZE!

So many things have gone wrong with this stupid laptop and im not happy...i know there are worse things in the world but it still sucks.



Rachael xxxx

Monday 27 August 2007

Poor Girl - Miss Teen South Carolina

I assume this was nerves and basically she wanted to say poor education but just couldnt articulate it's a wee shame:

Rachael xxxx

Saturday 25 August 2007



Rachael xxxx

Sister Act 2

I don't know if anyone that will read this has seen this movie but i really really recommend you buy it or watch it when it's on tv.

I think its quite inspirational. To me it gives the message that never give up and work hard and you'll achieve something.

I'm guna add some bebo imbeded videos but i dont know if they will work. Let me know what you think.

I like the bit in the rap during Joyful Joyful where the guy goes says "are you down with G.O.D"....aye!

I'm sure we could make a Mettle programme or an RS2 programme outa it.
Rachael xxxx

Friday 24 August 2007


Yo, Yo, Yo!!

As dumb as it prolly sounds I used to hate Hollyoaks really badly but I never knew why...I just discovered it was the irritating theme tune...

So I finally was able to watch a whole's not the best thing ever though....

This is the most pointless blog ever but i dont have much else to say atm.

Rachael xxxx

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Live Life


Rachael xxxx

Monday 20 August 2007

Jesus Walks - Kanye West

"Jesus Walks"

Yo, We at war

We at war with terrorism, racism, and most of all we at war with ourselves
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me) with me, with me, with me [fades]

You know what the Midwest is?
Young & Restless
Where restless might snatch your necklace
And next these might jack your Lexus
Somebody tell these who Kanye West is
I walk through the valley of the Chi where death is
Top floor the view alone will leave you breathless Uhhhh!
Try to catch it Uhhhh! It's kinda hard hard
Getting choked by the detectives yeah yeah now check the method
They be asking us questions, harass and arrest us
Saying "we eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"
Huh? Yall eat pieces of shit? What's the basis?We ain't going nowhere but got suits and cases
A trunk full of coke rental car from Avis
My momma used to say only Jesus can save us
Well momma I know I act a foolBut I'll be gone 'til November I got packs to move I Hope

[Hook x2]
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus Walks with me)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long

To the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
(Jesus walks with them)
To the victims of Welfare for we living in hell here hell yeah
(Jesus walks with them)
Now hear ye hear ye want to see Thee more clearlyI know he hear me when my feet get weary
Cause we're the almost nearly extinct
We rappers are role models we rap we don't think
I ain't here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I'm just trying to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way I need Jesus
So here go my single dog radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
Well let this take away from my spins
Which will probably take away from my ends
Then I hope this take away from my sins
And bring the day that I'm dreaming about
Next time I'm in the club everybody screaming out

(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't thing there's nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus walks with me... fades)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long

Rachael xx

Lez's Flat Warming

Aw man! What an amazing night!!! Was so much fun.

First we played pictionary then we played sing star and also the Wii.

Pictionary is like the funnest game ever! My team won the first round and then next round the other team won...tho we did switch people about in the teams.
The decider in the last game was absolutely hilarious koz everyone was getting dead pumped up and people were shouting and jumping about, AMAZING!!!

Singstar was f.a.f aswell. I sang first and then went on to sing about three more...and yes i lost everytime! And I thought i was a good singer..booooo!!

It took me a while to get a hang of the Wiii but it was so much fun after that.

Great night!

Rachael xx

Saturday 18 August 2007

Rangers 7 Falkirk 2

What a fabulous game!

What a difference this team is from last years!

Cousin and Cuellar....they are fab!!!!

Amazingly Jean Claude Darcheville scored twice in like 5 mins.....

Loadsa people leavin 10 minutes to go so they missed those two plus another one!

Why buy a ticket then leave with ten minutes to go..its just weird!!!


I'm away to Red tonight...hope its good! We need to request some Kanye West!!! "Touch the sky" is a beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more to say really....

Rachael xx

Floods In Gourock......

...anyone else hear about this??

Rachael xx

No Words Needed

Friday 17 August 2007

Words Of Christ

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.

(John 7:24) (NASB)

Rachael xxx

My exam...

It went OK...I had complete brain farts where I couldn't think what to write and then it would pop into my head and therefore in the end I had to rush.

I pretty much wrote everything I wanted to...I think but probably not in the best English i could have...

I have so much stuff to look forward to. I can't wait to start helping at Youth Groups again. It's so much fun. Also I think I get to go to court again with Uni to see how the criminal justice process works or something like that...but i'm not too sure about that.

Went out with me Uni mates after the exam and it was good to see everyone. I can't wait to get back and see everyone all the time.

Tomorrow I'm watching footy - Rangers vs Falkirk - and then I'm going out with Gillba to parteee...they better play good moosik at Red!

Rachael xx

Thursday 16 August 2007

Gillian Currie

Gillian Currie = A Big CopyCat!!!


Rachael xxxx

Cute Harry Potter Pics

Some are a bit rude so P.S. Read the post aboutmy exam and leave well wishes please!!! LOL

Rachael xxx

My Exam

i am absolutely TERRIFIED about this exam so scared....i'll be downing my bottle of Kalms tonight...haha!

Any words of encouragement would be appreciated!!!
That picture is of me tomorrow....OH MY GOODNESS i feel ill.....!!!

Rachael xx

Wednesday 15 August 2007

New Poll

My new poll is "Where Is Hogwarts?"

I think this is quite an interesting question and i'm curious to what other people think.

Personally i think its in Scotland because they travell so long on the train that it has to be outside England. And the big lake that sounds the must be Scotland!!!!!

Rachael xxx

Good Times

Just thought i'd post a few pictures of good time i've had!

Remember good times and forget about the bad!

True Love Is...

...Giving Someone The Power To Break Your Heart But Trusting Them Not To

My Blogs are so random but i just thought of that saying I liked.

Rachael xx

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Bed and Breakfast In Italy

If anyone is looking for a Bed and Breakfast in Italy about half an hour away from La Spezia then check out my friends' B&B in Castiglione Vara:
"...people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right. "

J.K. Rowling

This is so true. I don't particularly remember a time when this has happened to me or anything but i'm in no doubt it has!

Forgive and forget that's what i try to live by! And i think it's a good philosophy too! (is that the right word???)

Rachael xx

In Touch

i lost touch with someone a wee while back for reasons that arent really important and on a whim i decided to contact this person and we are now talking.

its good to hear from you and hopefully we'll keep chatting...

Take Chances People!

Rachael xx

Monday 13 August 2007


But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
(Luke 18: 16)

I'm going to go to Inverskkip lirbrary today i think to study abit koz im not gettin muc done here....this thing, aswell as msn and bebo, are distracting me. After friday woohoo im done. just hope i pass!!!

Thought i would recommend a real good song: Beyonce - Freakum Dress and also Father and Daughter!! links for these songs:

Paul Simon:
(the video for that song is made by someone else, i.e. its not he original video but its the right song!)


Rachael xxxx

Sunday 12 August 2007

Blood Diamond

I recommend that everyone should go and see this. I doubt it's in the cinema now, but rent or buy it! You won't be sorry!!

Here's a bit about it:

A story following Archer, a man tortured by his roots. With a strong survival instinct, he has made himself a key player in the business of conflict diamonds. Political unrest is rampant in Sierra Leone as people fight tooth for tooth. Upon meeting Solomon, and the beautiful Maddy, Archer's life changes forever as he is given a chance to make peace with the war around him.

In 1999, in Sierra Leone, the fisherman Solomon Vandy dreams on the day that his young son Dia Vandy will become a doctor. His dreams are shattered when the rebels invade his village and kidnap him to work in the diamond mines. Solomon
finds a huge pink diamond and while hiding it, the commandant of the rebels sees, but the rebels are attacked and Salomon is arrested by the government army. While in jail, the wounded commandant tell the prisoners that Salomon found the stone, and the mercenary smuggler Danny Archer from Zimbabwe releases Salomon and proposes to exchange the diamond by his missing family. Using the idealistic American journalist Maddy Bowen, Danny locates the wife and daughters of Salomon in a refugee camp, but is informed that his son has been recruited by the rebels. Salomon and Danny consolidate a partnership, with Salomon looking for and finding his son, and Danny looking for the diamond and finding redemption.

Set against the backdrop of civil war and chaos in 1990's Sierra Leone, Blood Diamond is the story of Danny Archer - an ex mercenary from Zimbabwe - and Solomon Vandy - a Mende fisherman. Both men are African, but their histories as different as any can be, until their fates become joined in a common quest to recover a rare pink diamond that can transform their lives. While in prison for smuggling, Archer learns that Solomon - who was taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields - has found and hidden the extraordinary rough stone. With the help of Maddy Bowen, an American journalist whose idealism is tempered by a deepening connection with Archer, the two men embark on a trek through rebel territory, a journey that could save Solomon's family and give Archer the second chance he thought he would never have.

Rachael xx

August 12th

When i became too old to go to Sunday school club Mettle the Church gave me a wee book with passages, some from the bible and some from authors and other famous people.

There is a sayin or passage for every day of the year and i thought i'd share today's with you!

The huge dome of the sky is of
all things sensuously perceived the most like
infinity. When God made space and worlds that
move in space, and clothed our world with air,
and gave us such eyes and such imaginations as
those we have, He knew what the sky would
mean to us.... We cannot be certain that this
was not indeed one of the cheif purposes
for which Nature was created.



Back From Italy


just back from italy and im missing it so much at the moment. my mum is still there...i coulda been but i failed a stupid exam....its friday....lets not talk about that.

i should be studying atm but im on here and listening to music and watching Without A Trace (check it out).

I dont know really what im goin to do with this blog...i guess just writing about what im up to and stuff ( not that many people will be bothered ).

My Time In Italy:

Had such a great time haning with everyone going to the festa's and the festa del mare
Monterosso was great fun. But I got a bit burnt. i guess i shoulda taken some of Caterina's sun cream...ah well....its turned into tann now. Woohoo. To anyone who sees me my tan is real tan colour looks like fake tan but i promise its all me!!!

Just wana say hellooooooo to everyone back there and hopefully i'll see you guys soon!!!!

I've not got much more to say atm.

Rachael xxxx